UNITY's Amalgam

The city awaits. . .

As far as its denizens are concerned, the city has always been. Its looming infrastructure, a ribcage of refined earth, buildings like so many reaching phalanxes, brushes the dark sky as far as the eye can see. Crisscrossing the space between are the sidewalks and mag-train tracks, arteries to carry the flood of the populace to and from their homes. A nervous system of cameras, neon lights, and ethernet cables directs and observes from afar. The people, the city’s blood, pulse and seep and thrum. They cannot leave, after all. Where else would they go?

Welcome to my silly little project! In development since March of 2019, UNITY's Amalgam is a story set in a monolithic city, centuries into a dismal, if interesting, future. Originally a tabletop RPG campaign, the story has since grown into its own, self contained narrative, which I have aspirations of implementing in something someday. My goal is to document as much lore here on this page as possible so that I can stop rambling senselessly about all this to unsuspecting friends.

If you have no clue what I'm on about, but wanna learn more, here here should be a decent place to start (eventually)